• Products

We manufacture 2 different products for epilamization:

Antispread E is a high-performance product with high purity for difficult problem solutions. Wet Stop E or Wet-Stop NC has been designed for low-cost applications in mass production.

Both products are available in different concentrations. Example: Antispread E 2/50 has a 4x higher concentration than Antispread E 2/200.

Produkt 1

Sizes Antispread E2: Bottles: 45 g (sample size), 225 g, 1350 g
Container: 4500 g

Sizes Wet-Stop E or Wet-Stop NC:
Container: 4,5 kg
Bottles: 1,35 kg

Produkt 2

Set for experimenting with Antispread or Wet-Stop

Products based on partially fluorinated solvents:

Antispread E 2/... and Wet-Stop E or Wet-Stop NC:

Both products contain a partially fluorinated solvent as a carrier fluid (FE60), which is non-toxic, not inflammable and compatible with plastics. Their boiling ranges are 30 - 60°C or 60 - 80°C.
It does not affect lacquers and glues.

Following concentrations are offered:

Safety data sheet

Safety data sheets are subject to constant monitoring and must therefore be updated on an ongoing basis.

Please contact our sales department:

Daniela Otto
Tel.: +49 (0)7451 5386-10


Catrin Singer
Tel.: +49 (0)7451 5386-12
